Marion and Gary serve a broad range of discerning clients, from Internationally known individuals like Morgan Freeman, Lance Bass, and Frances MacDormand, to distinguished executives and professionals from well known corporations, universities, medical centers, and major law firms. At the same time we serve families, couples and individuals from all walks of life, and a broad range of lifestyles and economic levels.
What makes us the proudest is we treat every client, no matter their circumstances, with the identical level of service, dedication, commitment, warmth and friendship. A school teacher, coach and their family are as special to us as a law firm with three hundred attorneys to photograph. Any client who commissions us and sits before our camera becomes the most important person or persons we have ever served.
One major reason Gary and Marion chose the Art of Portraiture as a career is because of their love of people. Portraiture is the language in which they speak, connect with people, and serve their fellow human beings. Their goals are many; to create exquisite portraits worthy of being shown in major sizes on the walls of beautiful homes, offices, institutions and corporations; to turn clients into friends through their warmth and genuine affection for others; and to build long term friendships and working relationships with the people they portray. Marion and Gary are especially proud that many of their clients have been with them for close to four decades.
Marion and Gary each entered the field of Professional Portrait Photography in the 1970's. Each had studios of their own; Marion in Jackson, Mississippi, her birthplace, and Gary's first studio in Wisconsin and then in his home town of Chicago, Illinois. After years each on their own, Gary and Marion met four times while both were teaching other photographers active in the Professional Photographers of America. Marion spoke, taught and judged in many US states and Puerto Rico during the 1980's and 1990's. Gary taught, lectured and did week long workshops in over 35 states as well as Mexico, England and Northern Ireland.
After marrying in 1990, and forming a combined business known as "Marion and Silber Fine Portraiture," Gary and Marion continued to teach and lecture as a team through 2006. At the same time they appeared many times on an Internationally distributed Video and DVD instructional series called PhotoVision. With a young daughter in school and a very busy studio, Marion and Gary retired from traveling and limit their teaching to teaching privately in their home studio or remotely.
Marion and Gary continue today in their 34th year together as a dedicated, masterful team. On their own or together, the Silbers have photographed over 20,000 portrait sittings since the 1970's! Yet time has not altered their passion for creating classic, elegant and timeless portraiture. They are more dedicated than ever to create the finest portraiture possible. For Marion and Gary Silber, every portrait is truly a labor of love.
Marion and Gary both have Master of Photography, Craftsman Photographer, and Certified Professional Photographer Degrees from the Professional Photographers of America. In addition, Gary holds a Fellowship in the Master Photographer's Association of Great Britain and is a member of the Portrait Society of America.